At the Billionaires Beck and Call?Tycoon Ryder Bramson sought Macy Ashleys hand in marriage. But his true goal was to buy her fathers company. To ensnare Macy, Ryder first offered the beautiful businesswoman a job. Yet slipping the ring on her finger proved difficult. Being a brash billionaires pawn wasnt independent-minded Macys style. On the other hand, being the focus of this irresistible mans passion just might win her over...High-Society Secret Baby Hed done his late brother the ultimate favour and now tycoon Dominic Roth could not declare Cassandra Roths child his own. So when the opportunity arose for Dominic to lay claim to both mother and child, he grasped it. Yet even as Dominic finally had Cassandra, he knew he could not reveal the truth. For the billionaire daddy dared not risk destroying his tenuous hold on happiness.
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