Lady Imogene Norwood lives a sheltered life of quiet respectability and routine...until she meets the wild and broken Lord Atwood.He is wholly unexpected among Londons elite, and the very shy English rose suddenly realizes that a little chaos might just be what her heart desires. Lord Nathaniel James Atwood doesnt believe true love exists. Since scandal tore him away from his family at an early age, he has spent his life fighting for what he wants.That attitude has made him a rising star in bare-knuckle boxing, and now leads him back to London to reclaim the life that was stolen from him. But upon meeting the innocent Imogene, his beliefs are guarding his heart against her proves to be the fight of his life.Marvelle not only crafts highly sensual novels, her innovative ideas and plot twists invigorate the genre. —RT BookReviews on Forever and a Day
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