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Код товара: 1280507921
Norse Myths & Legends #1
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Norse Myths & Legends

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Книга на иностранном языке

О книге

Norse Myths & LegendsIntro by Luke John MurphyEdited by J.K. JacksonGorgeous Collector's Edition. From the legends of Odin, Thor, Loki, Freya and all the gods of Asgard come the 'The Treasure of the D
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Norse Myths & LegendsIntro by Luke John MurphyEdited by J.K. JacksonGorgeous Collector's Edition. From the legends of Odin, Thor, Loki, Freya and all the gods of Asgard come the 'The Treasure of the Dwarf King', 'Ragnarok' and many other thrilling tales of the Vikings and their Norse gods fighting a constant battle with nature. Their landscape, with its stark mountains and long nights, created a particularly robust mythology, with profound contrasts and unforgettable heroes, great gods who leap out from the movies, streaming services and comics, to great fiction and epic poetry. This fabulous new book offers all the main stories with an introduction to the characters and the land that inspired them.Flame Tree Collector's Editions present the foundations of speculative fiction, authors, myths and tales without which the imaginative literature of the twentieth century would not exist, bringing the best, most influential and most fascinating works into a striking and collectable library. Each book features a new introduction and a Glossary of Terms.


Norse Myths & LegendsIntro by Luke John MurphyEdited by J.K. JacksonGorgeous Collector's Edition. From the legends of Odin, Thor, Loki, Freya and all the gods of Asgard come the 'The Treasure of the Dwarf King', 'Ragnarok' and many other thrilling tales of the Vikings and their Norse gods fighting a constant battle with nature. Their landscape, with its stark mountains and long nights, created a particularly robust mythology, with profound contrasts and unforgettable heroes, great gods who leap out from the movies, streaming services and comics, to great fiction and epic poetry. This fabulous new book offers all the main stories with an introduction to the characters and the land that inspired them.Flame Tree Collector's Editions present the foundations of speculative fiction, authors, myths and tales without which the imaginative literature of the twentieth century would not exist, bringing the best, most influential and most fascinating works into a striking and collectable library. Each book features a new introduction and a Glossary of Terms.

Автор на обложке

Luke John Murphy

Flame Tree Publishing
Год выпуска
Тип бумаги в книге
Мелованная матовая
Тип обложки
Твердый переплет
Тип книги
Книга на иностранном языке
Язык издания
Количество страниц
Размеры, мм
Вес товара, г
Информация о технических характеристиках, комплекте поставки, стране изготовления, внешнем виде и цвете товара носит справочный характер и основывается на последних доступных к моменту публикации сведениях


  • Flame Tree Publishing Издательство
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