Francis Marion Crawford (1854 1909) was an American writer noted for his many novels, especially those set in Italy, and for his classic weird and fantastic stories.
"The Doll's Ghost" included in the short story collection Wandering Ghosts. Mr. Puckler is a doll doctor, and the dolls he repairs become very, very life like.
A beautiful doll named Nina is broken Lady Gwendolen. Can Mr Puckler, the doll doctor, mend the doll? What happens after Nina's deep gash is healed and Else (Puckler's daughter) tries to return the doll to its owner?
Among the most significant works Francis Marion Crawford: Man Overboard!, The Doll's Ghost, The Upper Berth, For the Blood Is the Life, The Screaming Skull, Ave Roma Immortalis, Khaled, A Tale of Arabia, Corleone: A Tale of Sicily, Fair Margaret: A Portrait, Mr. Isaacs, A Tale of Modern India, In the Palace of the King: A Love Story of Old Madrid, Marietta: A Maid of Venice, Casa Braccio, Ave Roma Immortalis, The Little City of Hope: A Christmas Story, Cecilia: A Story of Modern Rome, Paul Patoff, The Diva's Ruby, Arethusa and many more.
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