The first novel in Andrew Taylors ground-breaking Roth trilogy, which was adapted into the acclaimed drama Fallen Angel. A tense psychological thriller for fans of S J Watson.Little Lucy Appleyard is snatched from her child minders on a cold winter afternoon, and the nightmare begins. When Eddie takes her home to beautiful, child-loving Angel, he knows hes done the right thing. But Lucys not like their other visitors, and unwittingly she strikes through Angels defences to something both vulnerable and volatile at the core.To the outside world Lucy has disappeared into a black hole with no clues to her whereabouts...until the first grisly discovery in a London graveyard. More such finds are to follow, all at religious sites, and, in a city haunted by religion, what do these offerings signify?All that stands now between Lucy and the final sacrifice are a CID sergeant on the verge of disgrace and a woman cleric Lucys parents but how can they hope to halt the evil forces that are gathering around their innocent daughter?
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